Loyalty & Rewards Mastery

Insights, Strategies, and Trends

Maximizing Customer Retention through Innovative Rewards and Loyalty Solutions

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Holiday rewards program


Holiday season is here and you must be planning to launch your holiday campaigns and rewards programs for your customer.  With this pandemic around, consumers are responding in a variety of ways and purchasing habits and hence the days of one-size-fits all marketing are gone. And, this holiday season, brands need to prepare in a better way for grabbing the attention and delight their customers. This is the best time of year to show that you’ve been listening to your customers.

Create a Special Loyalty Campaign for Holiday Season

Building loyalty is often not thought of much during the holiday season as brands think to increase sales with great deals. In this season, consumers are bombarded with lots of ads which makes brands difficult to cut through the noise, and hence, brands should not ignore working on their loyalty program. Come up with an exclusive loyalty program and launch it way before the holidays to reach your customers.  You can also redesign and come up with a modified, well-curated program which you have always thought of, this could be the right time. It is also a great way to sign up new members and collect their data.

Provide Amazing Customer Experience

Now that you have launched a special loyalty program for your customers, make sure they are well informed and clear on the requirements, points to enjoy the benefits. Send customized push messages through app or SMS or even emails. Remind them that you want to help them celebrate this holiday season in a beautiful way. Spice up with great content that reflects your brand and the festive season. Also, personalization plays an important role in grabbing the attention of the 21st-century people, so send targeted campaigns to your segmented customers by individuals, groups. Use a loyalty program software that has marketing automation to ease your task.


For stores, you can also think of a special gift wrapping session or a family photoshoot offer, etc. to delight and set the mood for the holiday season, will work wonder!

Engage with them through games

This is a great way to engage with your customers during the holiday season. You can arrange for some games and keep lucky winners or also provide instant rewards through gamification feature in your loyalty program like spin wheel. You can also engage with them through multiple sessions for their multiple visits. Not all these rewards need to have monetary value, you can reward with other interesting experiential rewards or life-style rewards like freestyling in the beauty industry, etc.

Get an app-based platform to keep your customers updated of your programs as well as your products

How are you going to inform your customers about your offers and rewards during the holiday season? Sure, you have to first let them know. In order to keep them updated, it’s always better to have an app-based loyalty platform so that your customers download the app and keep track of all trends and offers from your store. There are loyalty management appsthat come with loyalty software and allow brands to showcase their products, offers, trends, and keep them updated. These apps can also help your customers to keep track of their loyalty points, balances, and work towards any goal that they need to reach. All your loyalty reward campaigns designed for the holiday season can be well delivered and be successful as the gen z and millennials prefer to have everything at their fingertips.

Give Incentives to Your customers

As already mentioned that this year it’s different, and as people are having less money to buy gifts, getting incentives that can be used are surely going to attract your customers. Incentives need not be in monetary form, indeed non-monetary incentives are on rising because they are more memorable and tend to be valued more. For example, you can give some life-style related incentives like DIY tutorials for gift ideas as during this pandemic people can save money on buying gifts, recipes videos for holiday seasons, etc.  Give options that these incentives can also be transferred to their families and friends and also transfer to the needy as a charity.


The holiday season is a very important time of the year for brands need to focus on a well-planned reward program for their customer. Needless to mention, emotional ties lead to sustainable customer loyalty, especially during this busy holiday season you have to win the hearts of your customer and build loyalty. All these tips might not only be confined to the holiday season, but if you have not started to plan it, now is the time. Get back to your team, plan for a wonderful reward program and amaze your customers. Bring smile to their faces!


Happy Holiday!